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Any English-speakers out there?

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  par lucy (35) Posté le 31-07-2010 à 15:21
I'm Irish and wanted to know if any other Anglophones are on the diet; or even anyone who wants to participate in English...
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lucy (35) répond Posté le 31-07-2010 à 18:31
Ni Nathalie,
Nice to hear from you.
You're a lot further along in the diet than I am; I only started last Monday (26/07) but have already lost 2k of the 20 slated to go. I hope that I continue to lose them.
7.5 in 8 weeks is great! Well done!
Unlike you, I'm sticking as much as possible to the menus (at least until I've bought a calorie-counter!); but there's only me at home so I don't have to worry about anyone else turning their nose up at it!
So far I'm not hungry betwwen meals, which is great, and so far no cravings; it's great.
I hope that all will go as well when I go back to work and have to cope with packed lunches, my colleagues (no soul-mates there!) and work, but all that's a while off so no point worrying... yet!
That's all for now,
All the best,
Lucy :D

Lili (G3) répond Posté le 31-07-2010 à 17:15
Hello Lucy !

I am french speaking as I come from the french part of Canada, Québec, but I really like langage and would appreciate to share my diet experience with you in English. As you can see there may be some errors in my writing but if you are, I am at ease with it.

My name is Nathalie, I am 43 years old for the last month...I began the diet 8 weeks ago and lost 7.5 kgs. I had a great start and now my loss rythm is around a quarter to a half kg by week. I don't follow the menu but I do with the quantity and type of ingredients. I have always been interested in nutrition values so I'm good at converting menu. I don't cook a lot. I eat simple.

What I like the most about this diet, as a matter of fact I more see it as a healthy lifestyle, is the good control of glucid wich avoid the suffering craving. Most of the time, I am not so hungry until I start to eat. Sure I have some tricks and will be happy to share it with you.

To the pleasure to hear from you,


I'll send you a photo eventually

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